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The season for fleas and ticks is here and we humans are also adversely affected by these bugs, because we may contract infections from these bugs that are brought into our vicinity by our own pets. So, get appropriate meds for your pets from us, not only to protect your pets but also to protect human health.We strongly recommend that all pets be on a preventive medicine for fleas and ticks even though you may never have noticed fleas and/or ticks on your pets.
Laboratory Test Results
We are directing all clients to call us about the results of their pets' laboratory tests (blood, fecal, biopsies, ultrasounds, ECGs, infection tests etc) between 2PM and 5 PM on week days. It is one of the important responsibilities of the pet owner to discuss with us the lab results and their implications for their pets.
If you see signs of lethargy, weakness, vomiting, drinking more than usual water or any other abnormalities, please call us so we may do appropriate tests to determine if your pet is OK or not. Please bring with you the pet food can etc., so it may be determined whether it belongs to the Recalled Pet Food list. Get your pet checked for kidney function if you see signs like drinking too much and/or urinating too much, lethargy, vomiting etc.
This is to inform all pet owning public that the DOG FLU that has been reported in the media so far, fortunately has not been a big problem so far. We have not had a single case of DOG FLU so far in our hospital. It is still a good idea to make sure that all of your pet dogs are protected against other infectious diseases like Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza (which is very similar to influenza/flu), Leptospirosis, Bordetella, Lyme, and Heartworm infections.
All cat owners are advised to get their cats tested for Cat Scratch Disease, an infection that the cats can 'carry' for long periods of time without showing signs of sickness/disease. These 'carrier' cats can be indoors, outdoors, or indoor-outdoor cats. They may easily infect their owners by licking, scratching, or indirectly by bringing in fleas. The cost of the blood test is only $75.00.